Kick out Smoking Immediately
Kick out Smoking Immediately
Smoking is not a part of your healthy lifestyle. Smoking adversely affects the health of a person as well as the psychosocial status of a person. So, kick out smoking as immediately as possible lest it is too late.
Smoking is both physical and psychological addiction. Smoking is injurious to heart as well as to lungs. The Smoker deteriorates his health as well as his money.
Smoking is not a part of healthy lifestyle. A healthy lifestyle includes
- Have a healthy diet.
- Maintain your weight according to your BMI i.e., height.
- Follow an active lifestyle.
Healthy Diet
Healthy food includes both variety of fresh fruits and vegetables. The rule is to fill half of your plate with fresh fruits and vegetables daily in addition to your routine food. The diet must be fat free and must contain proteins and carbohydrates. Prefer drinking water over drinking soda.
Maintain Your Weight
Obese people are at increased risk of having a heart disease or diabetes. Therefore, maintain your weight according to your BMI (Body Mass Index is the ratio of mass of body in Kilograms to height in meters).
Active Lifestyle
An active life style is part and parcel of a healthy lifestyle. Physical activity is good for a proper health because physical activity reduce the risk of many diseases.
Adverse Effects of Smoking
Smoking is both physical and psychological addiction. Smoking is injurious to heart as well as to lungs. The Smoker deteriorates his health as well as his money. Cigarette contains numerous injurious chemicals including nicotine, tar etc. Smoking adversely affects the lungs by destroying the respiratory epithelium and may lead to lung cancer. Smoking is both the physical as well as the psychological habit. Smoking causes behavioral changes in the smoker. A smoker is socially distracted person and is mostly kept an arm’s length by non-smoker people.
Quitting Smoking Is A Difficult Job
Quitting smoking is always a difficult job because smoking is both a physical and psychological addiction. Cigarette contains nicotine and various other carcinogenic compounds which are injurious to lungs and heart. Nicotine in the cigarette provides temporary relief and people easily get used to it. Once you have started smoking you will be addicted to it easily and discontinuation of smoking results in withdrawal symptoms of nicotine. A person becomes accustomed and addicted to smoking because of his false perception of getting rid of his tension and depression by smoking. Most of the people smoke because they think that cigarette is their only friend for the management of their anxiety, depression and worries.
Methods To Give up Smoking
There are different methods to give up smoking. There are pharmacological drugs which are used in the intervention of people to avoid the withdrawal symptoms of nicotine. There are mainly two types of methods used for getting rid of smoking.
- Pharmacological interventions
- Non Pharmacological interventions
Steps For Quitting Smoking
There are many things which must be done for quitting smoking. There must be a proper plan for quitting smoking and for making it possible you must follow that plan at every cost for getting rid of smoking.
- Have the knowledge of adverse effects of smoking on lungs heart.
- Make up your mind that you have to get rid of smoking.
- Tell your family and friends of your plan and ask them to help you in these circumstances.
- Anticipate the circumstances and withdrawal signs and symptoms of nicotine.
- You must also consult your doctor for nicotine withdrawal signs and symptoms and must seek medical advice.
- Firstly reduce the number of cigarettes in a week and then continue on reducing the number of cigarettes.
- Identify the things, thoughts and circumstances which arise and make you smoke.
- Make a schedule and follow your plan.
- Mark the cigarette free days on the calendar and continue to do so until you get rid of smoking.
- Divert your attention when you want to smoke. For example, watch TV, play games, read a book or call a friend.
- Keep on reminding yourself of your plan of getting rid of smoking on of basis of saving your health and saving your money as well.
- Find some oral substitute of smoking, for example, bubble gums and candy toffees etc.
- Brush your teeth regularly because this clean feeling will encourage your getting rid of smoking plan.
- Drink large quantity of water daily because water also reduces the risk of some of the withdrawal signs and symptoms.
- Keep your mind busy in the free time by reading a book or a magazine, by playing a game or by listening your favourite music.
- Instead of lighting a cigarette light a paper or light a candle.
- Have an active lifestyle. Do regular walk and exercise daily because it refreshes your mind.
- Relax yourself by applying “Progressive Muscular Relaxation” technique.
Nicotine Withdrawal Signs And Symptoms
A single cigarette contains almost 10 mg of cigarette. Most of the nicotine contained in the cigarette is burnt during lighting of cigarette and during smoking. Only small quantity of nicotine (almost 3 mg) is inhaled during smoking a single cigarette. Pharmacologically, nicotine stimulates the central nervous of the human body but it the man gets used to it and present withdrawal signs and symptoms after an abruptly quitting smoking.
Following are the signs and symptoms experienced by smokers after quitting smoking.
- Cigarette cravings
- Nausea, vomiting and constipation
- Tremors
- Headache
- Decrease in Heart rate
- Depression and anxiety
- Difficulty in concentrating
- Hallucination
- Restlessness and insomnia
- Irritation and Anger
Treatment Of Nicotine Withdrawal
Some people prefer pharmacological interventions using nicotine and non-nicotine drugs for the treatment of nicotine withdrawal symptoms. Different types of treatments are used in the “Quitting Smoking Program” for reducing nicotine withdrawal signs and symptoms.
- Medical Interventions
- Nicotine Replacement Therapy
- Non-nicotine Medications
Medical Interventions
Medical intervention is an important part of the “Quitting Smoking Program”. Consult a doctor about anti-smoking medication and start some pharmacological interventions because medical treatment reduces the withdrawal signs and symptoms more easily than the nicotine replacement therapy.
Nicotine Replacement Therapy
Nicotine replacement therapy includes the replacement of cigarette nicotine by nicotine gum and nicotine transdermal patches but use only small quantity of nicotine. Nicotine relieves some of withdrawal signs and symptoms. This type of medical intervention helps in focusing on plan of quitting smoking in addition to reduce the withdrawal symptoms. Once you have started taking nicotine, keep on reducing the dosage of nicotine on daily basis. Nicotine replacement therapy includes,
- Nicotine inhaler
- Nicotine gums
- Nicotine transdermal patches
Non-nicotine Medication
Non-nicotine medications are helpful in “Quitting Smoking Program” because they reduce the craving for cigarette. Following are the non-nicotine medications used in the treatment of nicotine withdrawal symptoms.
- Vareniciline (Chantix)
- Bupropion (Zyban)
Both nicotine and non-nicotine medications are used in reducing craving for smoking.