Prevent Dental Plaques Beforehand

Prevent Dental Plaques Beforehand

Prevent Dental Plaques Beforehand

Prevent Dental Plaques Beforehand

Dental plaque is a layer of microorganisms including bacteria and sometimes fungi that grows on the teeth surface on the oral cavity. It is a sticky biofilm that forms on the surface when bacteria mix with surgery and starchy foods. The bacteria in the food produce acids that slowly break down enamel which is the outer protective layer on teeth. This results into cavities or related symptoms.

Rub your tongue over your teeth and if you feel uneven surface, that is plaque. Everyone has plaque to some extent in the oral cavity. If you leave it as such, it will progress to tough tarter which is hard to remove.

It is wise to prevent rather treat a condition. Here are few tips based on evidence that will help you prevent dental plaque formation beforehand.

Good Oral Hygiene

Practicing good oral hygiene is key to avoiding plaque formation. Regularly brush your teeth twice daily at least. Dental studies recommend brushing for two minutes at minimum.

Floss on Regular Basis

Getting rid of food particles stuck between the teeth after the meal is the key to prevent dental plaques. Floss is meant for this purpose. You may use water flosser or if available dental floss. Dental floss is a cord of thin filament used to clean interdental spaces where brush have difficulty to reach.

Dental floss
A dental floss is shown in the picture

Mouth Wash

Various antiseptic mouth washes are available for over-the-counter use. You may use one as prescribed by a dentist for mouth wash and it will help in cleansing oral cavity.

Cut Down Surgery & Starchy Foods

Surgery and starch rich food provide suitable medium for bacterial growth and that in turn act to destroy dental enamel. Cutting down such foods and replacing with healthy and nutritious food help a lot in preventing dental plaques.

Chewing Sugarless Gums

Not a rule but if you find it difficult to brush after every meal, you may chew sugarless gums for it. Chewing help cleaning stuck food particles. But do not consider substandard gums as an alternate to brushing.


The studies showed that cranberries contain polyphenols that act as deterrents for two of bacteria found in the oral cavity that are responsible for cavities i.e., Streptococcus mutans and Streptococcus sobrinus. Including cranberries in the diet will help to some extent.

Visit your dentist Periodically

Visit your dentist is gold standard as they can examine your oral cavity and customize the prescription according. Do visit your dental physician at least twice a year.

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