How To Avoid Heat Stroke?

How to Prevent Heat Stroke

How to Prevent Heat Stroke

How To Avoid Heat Stroke? / Tips To Avoid Heat Stroke

As the temperature of the body rises, the body’s natural cooling mechanism starts with sweat (perspiration), evaporation & cools the body again to normal temperature thus maintains homeostasis. But in hot season with humid (knife days), air is cut from the body so evaporation is slowed down & the body can’t maintain it cool resulting in a condition termed Heat Stroke.

If you take precautions and know the warning signs, you generally can prevent heat stroke.”


The best way to beating the heat, of course, is prevention. The following tips for keeping cool and healthy despite the sweltering sun and humidity are;

  • Don’t overexert yourself.
  • Drink a quart of fluids an hour.
  • Wear loose clothing, light in color and fabric, as well as a hat and sunblock, and stay in the shade or indoors as possible.
  • Finally, be a good neighbor – check on the elderly and chronically ill persons regularly to make sure they’re bearing up under the heat.
  • Open windows and use fans, or turn on air conditioning. If you don’t have air conditioning, go to a public place that does, like a mall, library, or movie theater.
  • Avoid caffeine and alcohol, which can speed up dehydration.

Warning Signs

Judge these signs as warning;

  • Pale skin
  • Rapid pulse
  • Fatigue, weakness
  • Dizziness or nauseous
  • Sweating profusely
  • Fast, shallow breathing
  • Muscle weakness or cramps

If you experience any of these symptoms, get you out of the heat quickly and rest in a cool, shady place. Drink plenty of water or other fluids containing sugar and salts. Avoid drinking beverages and alcohol, these drinks even may make it worse. If you don’t feel better within 30 minutes, consult your doctor. If heat exhaustion is not treated, it can lead to heat stroke. The most immediate sign of heat stroke is a condition with no sweat.

If you suspect heat stroke, call rescue 1122 (in Pakistan) immediately. As a first aid, move the victim to a cooler place, remove clothing or wet it down with a cool cloth, fan the body and encourage the individual to drink cool fluids.

Young Children & Elderly People (The Most Susceptible Group)

The young children & elderly people are at risk more than any other age due to several reasons;

  • This group of age is less tolerable to heat due to fragility of age.
  • Their bodies are less likely to adjust to sudden changes in environment or temperature.
  • Especially the babies are less able to hydrate themselves so are more prone to get heat stroke.

Preparation To Combat Changes In Temperature

If you have to  face hard environment or go to high temperate region, you must be prepare for that & have some accessories to protect yourself;

  • You should wear a head cap or keep umbrella with you.
  • You should wear long sleeve cotton shirt as to protect yourself from direct sun light as well as to absorb the sweat so your cloth may remain wet & give sensation of coldness.
  • If possible, may use sunglasses to protect your eyes well.
  • You should try to walk in shadow so may avoid form direct sun heat.
  • Keep water with your & properly hydrate yourself so there left little chances to dehydrate & suffered.


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